Fortec US – A Green Company

Digital Signage: More Power with Less Power

As a globally active company, we are aware of the fact that we have to take responsibility for our planet. That is why terms such as “emission reduction”, “energy efficiency” or “reduction in environmental pollution” are very important to us.

We take our slogan “The Fortec Group – A Green Company” very seriously and act accordingly whenever possible.

Our company buildings have been chosen resp. built according to high environmental aspects. Wherever possible, we use natural resources. Without consuming gas or oil, a geo-thermal heat pump tempers the offices in our headquarters near Munich. The move of our US subsidiary Fortec into a more modern building and our sophisticated energy management enabled us to reduce the power consumption in gas and electricity by more than 20%. We achieved the same result in UK by buying a new company building and placing direct investments into energy saving.

In Harmony with the Environment: Less Power, less Noise, less Pollution

As we design TFT controllers ourselves, we are able to develop them highly energy efficient and thus reach a higher savings potential than other companies. By choosing a suitable hardware platform, power consumption can be significantly influenced without having to make sacrifices concerning the performance. Why making use of computing power when it's not needed? Our specifically adapted products mainly allow fanless designs which are beneficial to noise generation. The Fortec Group manufactures components according to highest environmental requirements. Circuit boards are equipped following German standards. In times of energetic shift, ideas and applications playing a part in contributing to effectively save resources are inevitable.

Our high-performance products preserving the environment, human life and energy are mercury-free LED backlights, transflective displays, controller boards with switching function as well as brightness and motion sensors. The highly effective Ambient Light Sensor developed by us is one of these sensors. It automatically adjusts the necessary brightness of the display and provides a constantly perfect picture without fluctuations. Since we mostly work under rather poor lighting conditions, the purchase of the sensor amortizes within six months.

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