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Why Digital Signage Works

September 21, 2018

Picture this: you’re walking through the busy streets of Times Square, and you’re instantly enamored by the bright lights being emitted from the signs — instead of looking at the stores beneath them. Now, if you walked around and there were non-illuminated signs, you wouldn’t look up at all. Why is that? Let us explain:

The “Bug Effect”

When it comes to digital advertisements, audiences are drawn to a screen rather than a piece of paper. This, of course, could be considered the “Bug Effect” — but why is that? Think about it this way: when turning on the light by your front door, bugs instantly fly towards it. The same theory applies to audiences: they’ll gravitate towards something exciting and illuminated, rather than something 2D and lifeless.

Much More Appealing

Think about it: if you had the option to choose between a print campaign versus a digital campaign, which of the two do you think would perform better? Of course, the answer is digital. When it comes to a digital campaign, it attracts a broader audience because it’s enticing and sometimes interactive. This will not only bring get your target audience talking about your message — but it will also encourage word-of-mouth marketing, too, which is priceless (and always great to have).

Can be Customized

Unlike print advertising, a digital campaign can be customized at any time — thanks to digital signage from Fortec. Of course, no matter what you envision, we can make it happen, time and time again. This not only helps you gain an advantage over your opponents, but it gives you the opportunity to keep up with new wave marketing trends when they come into play. This will not only be a wise investment, but it will also keep you at the top of the ladder — while your “competitors” are looking up.

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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