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Reasons Why a Custom Flat Panel Display is Beneficial

March 3, 2020

Whether it’s in a waiting room or in a conference room, a display screen can be found just about anywhere! However, many times, these screens are standard televisions that have a multitude of wires running down them, taking away from the visual appeal. 

That said, here are some more reasons why you should consider having a custom flat panel display installed at your business:

Why Should I Have a Custom Flat Panel Display?

Presents Messages Clearly

Typically, the medium is the message — and when the medium is print-based, there’s a chance that the message can be lost in translation. However, when you opt to have a custom flat panel display installed at your business, it will help present your message in a clear, visually-appealing way!

For instance, if you have a custom flat panel display installed in the lobby of your business, there’s a better chance that whatever you may be presenting on the screen will capture the attention of your audience — which makes the message that much more powerful; something that all business owners are looking for!

Can Fit in Any Space

Unlike purchasing a screen at your local home entertainment store, a custom, flat panel display can be crafted to create a custom fit. For instance, if a space is big or small, the screen can be manufactured to fit the dimensions, providing a smooth, clean appearance. So, if you’re looking to add one or a few at your business, there’s a custom flat panel display that will fit the mold you’re looking for! 

Contact Us Today to Learn More About Our Custom Flat Panel Displays!

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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