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EU Ecodesign Directive – Our monitors are prepared

June 2, 2020

For this purpose, repair and service instructions are to be made available, consequently spare parts should be available long after the initial purchase. With digital signage displays, the minimum availability of certain spare parts is seven years after the last copy of the model is placed on the market. Spare parts must be available within 15 days and must be replaceable with generally available tools without causing permanent damage to the device in question.
In addition, with this directive, digital signage displays will be subject to minimum requirements for off-mode, standby and networked standby mode as well as for material efficiency.

Fortec Integrated is well prepared for these changes and already offers a very good long-term availability of spare parts and a well-structured RMA process over a long period of time. 
On the subject of sustainability and durability, Fortec Integrated monitors continue to receive positive feedback from long-standing customers. Our former Albra series is a prime example and have been running for more than 9 years in our customers applications without restrictions. This shows that sustainability is not just a buzzword at Fortec Integrated, but has always been and will remain part of our understanding of quality and product strategy. 

We also pay attention to the ecological compatibility of materials and the products we manufacture at our facility in Germany. 
For example, we already use panels that are free of cadmium exclusively, we also recently removed DVDs with data sheets and other information related to our monitors from our packaging and replaced them with downloads available on our web homepage.

If you have any questions about our products or the implementation of the new EU Eco-design directive in our company, please feel free to contact us.

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