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Ways to Integrate a Touch Screen Display in Any Setting

October 30, 2018

When you enter a business of any sort, what’s one of the first details you notice? For most, it might be the sign displaying the company’s name — but what about the material that sign is composed of? Nowadays, it’s common to see a digital display among everyday settings, especially one that’s touchscreen compatible. If you’re looking to give your business that “wow” factor, then here are some ways to incorporate one:

Eliminate Paper

One of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to say farewell to paper and hello to touchscreen technology! For those that work in a doctor’s office, you know the struggle well: trying to file patient paperwork and trying to decipher what they wrote down, in the process.

When you implement a custom touchscreen device at your office from Fortec, filing paperwork will be simple — since you’ll just download the completed document. Now, when it comes to reading each document, it will be straightforward since everything will be typed out and not handwritten.

Helping Hand

Another great way to incorporate a touchscreen into your business is to create an information kiosk. Sure, your staff can answer frequently asked questions — but what about those patrons that want to find out on their own? If that’s the case, then implementing a touchscreen device that can answer questions at the swipe of a finger a perfect.

Additionally, another wonderful benefit of a touchscreen information kiosk is that it will help when you’re understaffed. The kiosk can stand in for when you need additional assistance and can even prompt patrons to put in their email address if they want to receive more information on a service — which is a great way to increase leads for your business.

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from the construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have a project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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