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3 Reasons Why You Should Invest In Optical Bonding

November 1, 2017

Picture this: you have an incredible touch screen display setup at your business, and it’s the talk of the town! One day, a customer approaches the display, presses on the screen too hard, and it becomes damaged. If you’re looking to preserve your custom touch screen, then we highly recommend optical bonding — and here’s why:

Reason 1: Protect Your Display

First and foremost, investing in optical bonding will protect your display from any damage it may encounter over time. Whether a patron drops the screen (if it’s handheld) or presses the screen with force — the device will hold up to the initial force exerted. When you invest in optical bonding at Fortec, not only will our VacuBond® technology withstand excess force — but it will make your device be able to withstand minor wear and tear. Our VacuBond® is a feature that can’t be matched by any other company!

Reason 2: Withstand Sunlight Exposure

A common obstacle that deteriorates your device is sunlight exposure. Granted, you can’t hide your display from sunlight — but you can prevent it from being damaged by the natural light! When you choose to have your screen manufactured with our VacuBond® technology, it will help build a resistance against the sunlight — and will keep your display in tip-top shape for the years to come! To simplify our optical bonding technology, think of it as a pair of sunglasses for your device — with the strength of a shield to also protect it against objects that will tarnish its quality!

Reason 3: Save Money

When you invest in VacuBond® for your device, it will also save you money! That’s right: since you’re taking preventative measures against patron usage and the elements, it will be less likely that you’ll have to replace your display — since you took early preventative measures to secure it! Think about it: the custom display that you love will be in service for quite some time! It’s a win-win situation, and will be a wonderful addition to your business!

As the global leader in optical bonding, Fortec US supports you in all project phases – from construction of the metal housing and procurement of specific parts to in-house development of controller boards and touchscreen integration. In need of a product, part, or have project in mind? Contact us today at (631) 580-4360 or click here for more information.

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 Fortec - November 1, 2017

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